1000 x 810 mm
Oil, 3D modelling and and Digital Collage on  C-type print on DIASEC

“The conjuring” by artist duo, AD-Reflex, is a ‘palimpsest’ of human effort and history. In ancient Greece, a ‘palimpsest’ was a parchment written upon twice, provoking the idea of vanishing words, memories, and stories, and implying a process of layering and retrieving. The ‘palimpsest’ speaks to a cohabitation of seemingly alien narratives and media folding and unfolding in dialogue, disclosing a state of duality, where we feel both aware and unaware, empowered and disempowered.

For AD-Reflex the Zeitgeist is a way to connect the present moment through images. “The conjuring” represents a playfull stage built meticulously from digital photo-collage elements and layers of oil and thick impasto, to comment on notions of ‘rupture’ and ‘reconstruction’. The disruptive nature of the current situation (post-Covid) hinders sense-making and threatens to undermine psychologival balance and well-being, at an individual as well as at a societal level. The work proposes a reconstruction of meaning-making processes, including a sense of coherence, metaphors and narratives.