1500 x 2000 mm
Oil, 3D modelling and and Digital Collage on  C-type print on DIASEC

“The room of compartments” invites the viewer into a collective space where the larger narratives about our human experience are shared. Artist duo, AD-Reflex, renders a ‘territory’ not only limited to physical borders, but also as emotional, social, political and intellectual spaces. The work depicts numerous territories, where the viewer watches a scene taking place behind an illusion of windows of window-cleaners at work. They are both seen and not seen, they could be anyone, or everyone. The interior space resemples that of a museum or office.

Present, but not present, visible, but unperceived, living among us but not socially integrated, they lead a kind of parallel existence. Both sided experience an inability to overcome the gap seperating them. 

For AD-Reflex the Zeitgeist is a way to connect with the present moment through images. Their work constantly morphs between abstraction and representation. The characters in these tableaus often celebrate and focuss om marginilized people, ranging from albinism, to recycling efforts by individuals in African nations, and the global crisis of capitalist exploitation and manipulation. The work combines digital photo-colage elements with layers of oil and thick impasto, blurring the boundaries, and creating a new kind of representation.